Blog / The Sword and TrowelCH Spurgeon’s First Words at the Metropolitan Tabernacle These are Spurgeon’s first words during the first sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle
BlogSpurgeon’s Prayer-Powered Ministry – Keeney Dickenson Interview On this episode of the podcast we discuss Spurgeon's views on ministering to your kids
BlogCome Ye Children: Spurgeon’s Advice for Ministering to Children On this episode of the podcast we discuss Spurgeon's views on ministering to your kids
Blog / The Sword and TrowelUnwelcome Visitors at the Beginning of the New Year "The edge of the sword of faith must give them a sharp reception..."
BlogThe Spurgeon Heritage Collection Learn about the newly acquired Spurgeon Heritage Collection at the Spurgeon Library
BlogCH Spurgeon on Borrowing Books: A Lesson for Book Lovers "I do not like being security for a man that he will return books, for no ordinary mortals ever do…
Biography / BlogSpurgeon: A Life — Book Review & Interview with Alex DiPrima Spurgeon: A Life - A Biography of the Prince of Preachers
Biography / BlogHow C. H. Spurgeon Became a Baptist (In His Own Words) How CH Spurgeon became a Baptist in his own words.
Blog / The Sword and TrowelUnion to Christ C.H. Spurgeon examines the deep and eternal connection between Christ and believers which is rooted in His everlasting love for…