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Spurgeon Sermons – Volume 05


Purchase and download Volume 5 of CH Spurgeon’s sermons – 12 MP3 audio sermons delivered with the dynamic of live preaching.



Twelve unabridged audio sermons produced with the dynamic of preaching.

Sunshine in the Heart (Psalm 37:4)
The Superlative Excellence of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7)
The Heart – A Den of Evil (Matthew 15:19)
Jesus, The King of Truth (John 18:37)
For Whom is the Gospel Meant? (Mark 2:17)
“Love and I” – A Mystery (John 17:26)
Delight in the Almighty (Job 22:26)
The Rent Veil (Matthew 27:50-51, Hebrews 10:19-20)
Christ Precious to Believers (1Peter 2:7)
Dare to be a Daniel (Daniel 1:8)
Christ’s Love to His Spouse (Ephesians 5:25)
Seeking Richly Rewarded (Psalm 34:10)